Additionally, an animated television special by A-1 Pictures, The Day Breakers, aired prior to the game's Japanese release in September 2016. The 26-episode series aired in Japan between April and September 2018, followed by four special episodes one aired in December 2018, a second in March 2019, and two more releases bundled with the Blu-Ray releases in May and June 2019. Atlus employee Kazuma Kaneko created the original demon designs, while music composer Shoji Meguro reprised his role from the game.
The anime series is directed by Masashi Ishihama and written by Shinichi Inotsume, with Tomomi Ishikawa adapting Shigenori Soejima's original character designs for the animation. Persona 5: The Animation is an anime television series produced by CloverWorks based on the video game Persona 5 by Atlus. 26 + 3 specials + 2 OVAs ( List of episodes)